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Download images stored on the R/3 document server By Joyjit Ghosh, IBM India This program downloads image stored in R/3 document server. We can upload image in document server from transaction SE78. Code: *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Report Z_DOWNLOAD_BDS_GRAPHICS *& *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Download image stored in document server *& Published at SAPTechnical.COM *& *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT z_download_bds_graphics. *********************************************************************** * Variable declaration *********************************************************************** DATA: v_graphic_size TYPE i, v_graphic_xstr TYPE xstring, v_graphic_conv TYPE i, v_graphic_offs TYPE i, v_file TYPE string. *********************************************************************** * Table declaration *********************************************************************** DATA: BEGIN OF i_graphic_table OCCURS 0, line(255) TYPE x, END OF i_graphic_table.

*********************************************************************** * Structure declaration *********************************************************************** DATA: st_stxbitmaps TYPE stxbitmaps. Firefox 12 Offline Installer Download more. *********************************************************************** * Selection screen *********************************************************************** SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001.

PARAMETERS: p_object LIKE st_stxbitmaps-tdobject DEFAULT 'GRAPHICS' MODIF ID abc, p_name LIKE st_stxbitmaps-tdname, p_id LIKE st_stxbitmaps-tdid DEFAULT 'BMAP' MODIF ID abc, p_type LIKE st_stxbitmaps-tdbtype, p_dir TYPE localfile. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. *********************************************************************** * At Selection-screen output event *********************************************************************** AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.