Erhardt Developmental Prehension Assessment Pdf To Excel

Erhardt Prehension Developmental Levels

The Erhardt Developmental Prehension Assessment (EDPA) was designed as a measure of hand function for use with developmentally and physically disabled children. In this study the EDPA was revised (EDPA-R) by changing some of the test items, standardizing the procedures for administering the test and developing an objective scoring system. The inter-observer reliability of the EDPA-R, and the concurrent validity of the EDPA-R with the fine motor scale of the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS) were evaluated. Free Download Komik Fruit Basket Bahasa Indonesia Adalah.

Thirty developmentally disabled children ranging in age from 3 to 18 months were tested in this study. The results indicate that the EDPA-R has high levels of inter-observer reliability, and that it has concurrent validity with the PDMS in this population. Further test revisions are necessary, however, to improve the EDPA-R's discriminative power. L., Oliven, B. L., Johnson, C. Grasp and pinch strength in children 5–12 years old.

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